【论坛预告】2021中美公共外交论坛:加强多元交流 推动合作共赢
发布时间:2021-04-30主办 / Host
National Academy of Development and Strategy,
Renmin University of China
支持 / Supporters
China Public Diplomacy Association
School of Journalism and Communication, RUC
时间 / Time
中国北京时间 2021年5月15日早晨8:00
8:00 AM May 15, 2021 (Beijing Time)
美国东部时间 2021年5月14日晚上8:00
8:00 PM May 14, 2021 (Eastern Time)
会议形式 / Venue
ZOOM (the USA)
No.2 Yifu Conference Hall at RUC (China)
会议语言 / Language
(Simultaneous Interpretation Available)
论坛介绍 / Summit Introduction
“中美公共外交论坛”是新葡京网址 打造的一个高层论坛,自2015年起已连续举办六届,旨在通过构建中美战略界多元交流与理性对话的平台,增进相互理解,提出创新思想,避免误解误判,推进中美关系朝着健康稳定方向发展。
The China-U.S. Public Diplomacy Summit is a high-level annual think tank event dedicated to China-U.S. cultural exchanges. Presented by NADS, The Summit has been held for six times since 2015. It aims to build a platform for pluralistic exchanges and rational communication between the Chinese and American strategic circles so as to reinforce strategic trust, put forward creative ideas on how to avoid misunderstanding and misjudgment, thus to promote the bilateral relations towards a healthy and stable direction.
This Summit will host more than 30 senior experts, policy-makers and thought leaders from the academic, political, business and media circles on both sides to exchange views on China-U.S. public diplomacy.
论坛发言嘉宾 / Speakers
论坛议程 / Summit Agenda
嘉宾签到 / Guest Reception
北京时间 7:20—8:00(上午)
EDT 7:20 PM—8:00 PM
主办方致辞 / Welcoming Remarks
北京时间 8:00—8:05(上午)
EDT 8:00 PM—8:05 PM
主旨发言 / Keynote Speech
北京时间 8:05—9:00(上午)
EDT 8:05 PM—9:00 PM
专题研讨一 / Session I
北京时间 9:00—10:05(上午)
EDT 9:00 PM - 10:05 PM
专题研讨二 / Session II
北京时间 10:05—10:50(上午)
EDT 10:05 PM—10:50 PM
专题研讨三 / Session III
北京时间 10:50—11:50(上午)
EDT 10:50 PM—11:50 PM
会议总结 / Conclusion
北京时间 11:50—12:00(上午)
EDT 11:50 PM—12:00 PM
In terms of how to attend the forum, please pay attention to the later forum notice.