
10月 21

【会议预告】新葡京网址 “理论与政策”研讨会(第98-100期)


新葡京网址 “理论与政策”研讨会(第98-100期)




题目:Transaction Mechanism and Industrial Land Allocation Efficiency: Evidence from the 2007 Auction Reform in China


摘要Land allocation has played an essential role in China’s industrial development. In the past, most industrial land was transacted through negotiations that usually lacked transparency and competition. Since 2007, the central government has required industrial land to be sold via public auction. This paper studies how the reform of the land transaction mechanism has affected land allocation efficiency by reshaping local industrial structures. It analyzes three comprehensive data sets, which contain information on new industrial establishments, land transactions, and local industrial outcomes. The analysis shows that the reform significantly increases the entry of firms in industries that better match a given locality’s specialization. This effect is more pronounced in areas that implemented the reform more stringently. These results suggest that the reform facilitates new industrial entrants to cluster spatially to obtain the benefits associated with agglomeration economies and leads to a more efficient geographic distribution of industries. The paper also finds evidence that sheds light on the underlying channel: in sharp contrast to negotiated sales, public auction brings in competition so that land sale prices have started to reflect market demand and this facilitates matching land to the users who can make the best use of it.

个人简介王之,美国布朗大学经济学博士,复旦大学经济学院长聘副教授,上海国际金融与经济研究院研究员,硕士研究生导师。她主要研究城市与区域经济学领域相关问题,关注聚集经济的微观证据、城市土地开发空间模式的决定因素和福利影响、土地利用规制的执行和经济影响、环境政策对企业产能空间分布的影响、教育资源空间分布的决定因素和影响、我国土地市场改革的经济影响等问题,主持国家自科基金项目,担任Regional Science and Urban Economics的副编辑。她的研究成果发表于Review of Economics and Statistics、Journal of Urban Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of Housing Economics、《经济学报》以及《世界经济文汇》。


题目:The Sunshine Effects on Solar Loan Repayments


摘要:Solar loans are increasingly used to promote residential solar photovoltaic expansion. However, concerns about their default rate are increasing. This paper studies the psychological effects of sunshine on borrowers’ repayment behaviors. Using administrative datasets from China, we first show borrowers are 20.8% less likely to be delinquent if the sunshine duration is one standard deviation longer in the week of the repayment deadline. Furthermore, borrowers who signed up for solar panels on extremely sunny days have a persistently higher probability of delinquency. We rule out rational explanations and show the result is most consistent with behavioral bias, such as projection bias or salience. Overall, our results provide novel insights into the mechanisms of sunshine effects in renewable energy financing.

简介:秦雨,北大新葡京网址 访问副教授,新加坡国立大学商学院房地产系长聘副教授,康奈尔大学应用经济学博士,主要研究领域为环境经济学、城市经济学。担任国际期刊China Economic Review共同主编;Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 副主编;Journal of Economic Geography编委会委员;研究发表在Nature Climate Change, Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Review of Finance, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management等杂志。





报告人简介:梁文泉,暨南大学经济学院副教授。研究领域为城市劳动经济学,主要关注户籍、移民和城市发展。目前已经在Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、China Economic Review、Journal of Housing Economics等英文期刊以及《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》等中文期刊发表论文多篇。研究成果曾获经济学(季刊)年度最佳论文、第十四届上海青年经济学者优秀成果一等奖。