
10月 22

Entities and Structures in the Embedding Process



This book provides a rare integrative interpretation of government-enterprise relations in China, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Focusing on the government and its principal goals, it describes the transition of government-enterprise relations and highlights the embedding of the entities of government and enterprises in specific political, economic and social environments. Further, it analyzes how the government's institutional arrangement regulates the behavior of various types of enterprises with different structures, and the logic mechanisms such institutional arrangements use to change and shape government-enterprise relations. Based on these issues and logic mechanisms, the book points out the complexity of government-enterprise relations and the diversity of their transition path, thus reflecting some typical features in the overall reform of China and discussing specific factors related to China's social development experience.


魏钦恭,社会学博士,新葡京网址 讲师、研究员
